Throughout the Bible, the image of water is used to reveal the heart of our Father, and the invitation to a deeper journey with Him. 

Illuminate 2022 was an experience of hearing and engaging with personal and lived stories and teaching that beckoned us into the deep waters, beyond our lives so far, to a greater understanding of His character and heart for us all. 

As we worship, engage, and encounter Jesus in the deep, we will be activated to lives of justice and Kingdom action, carried by His incredible love. 

A love we discover in Waters Deep.

“He reached down from heaven and took hold of me; He pulled me out of deep waters"

Psalm 18:16 HSCB

“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you"

Isaiah 43:2

“...Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch."

Luke 5:4 NKJV

  1. 01
    • Illuminate 2022 Welcome w. Tori Sheppard

    • Illuminate 2022 Opener

    • Worship w. Hollie-Ann Russell, Janet Young & Band

    • A Special Illuminate Message w. Neil & Janet Young

    • Surfacing - Andrea Wigglesworth

    • Worship w. Hollie-Ann Russell, Janet Young & Band

  2. 02
    • Worship w. Zara Leese, Sylvia Burnside & Band

    • An Interview w. Kiera Phyo

    • Holy Water performance w. Tori Sheppard, Hollie-Ann Russell & Choir

    • 'Just Stand Up' - Liz Johnston

    • 'In the Deep' - Kiera Phyo

    • Zara's Song

    • Synchronised Swimming

    • Worship w. Janet Young, Hollie-Ann Russell & Band

    • 'Diving for Pearls' - Andrea Wigglesworth

    • Ministry

  3. 03
    • Extended Worship Seminar

    • 'Come & Play' w. Eileen Russell, Hosted by Hazel Budina

    • 'S.T.A.R (Steps to Active Recovery): Exploring Recovery for Ourselves, Others & our Community' w.Emma Heath, Hosted by Liz Johnston