This May we gathered to worship Jesus together at Encounter More 2023. During our time together we worshipped, prayed, learned, laughed, and shared some beautiful stories of God moving in our community. We heard some incredible insight and input from our guests, and it is our pleasure to be able to share this content with you. May it be a blessing to you all. Thank you for being a part of Encounter More and we pray that you continue to Encounter More of Him in this season. We hope to see you again soon.

  1. 01
    • Welcome to Encounter More 2023 w. Neil & Janet Young

    • Worship w. Anna Hamilton & Band

    • Candace Johnson

  2. 02
    • Worship w. Zara Leese & Band

    • Tre Sheppard

    • An Interview w. Eric & Candace Johnson

    • Worship w. Anna Hamilton & Band

    • Eric Johnson

  3. 03
    • God on Mute w. Eric Johnson

    • Ministry Seminar w. Janet Young, Phil Drummond & Stephanie Houston

    • Culture & Creativity - Tre Sheppard and Anna Hamilton

    • Finding Firm Footing Amidst Constant Change - Neil

    • How to Share Your Faith Without Losing Your Friends - Joel Leakey